Category: Без рубрики

How to lua

Up-to-date docs are here: Introduction Finally we now have support for lua scripting in our lovely game! So now you can make mods which are not just changed 3d model… your mods now can do stuff! Available since version 0.18.* Getting Started Before we start you need to...

How to make a mod for a wheel in Evertech Sandbox

To make a mod for a wheel you need a version 0.7.371 or above. You do everything as usual but you need to add a new parameter called “collider” and set it’s value to “wheel”. Here is an example mod: wheelmod2.7z...

How to make a mod for Evertech Sandbox

To make a mod you will need some 3d editor which can export models to .obj format. Don’t export .mtl, because the game will not read it. But before making your own mod, try to install existing ones, so you will be sure you understand how to install the...

How to install mods to Evertech Sandbox

Since version 0.6.369 we now have a support for mods. To install a mod you need to uncompress the mod archive to a destination (if you don’t have “mods” folder just create it): Android/data/com.evertechsandbox/files/mods/ For example you want to install mod called supermod, then you should get this result:...

Evertech Sandbox Available for IOS now!

Please install the app if you have IOS devices and leave a review on the App Store.

Evertech Sandbox Wiki

Hi. I have a wiki for Evertech Sandbox on Please help me to update it 🙂 Here is the link:

Evertech Sandbox available on Google Play

Version Paints Paintable blocks Rotate button Underwater effect Workshop (There are bugs with rendering paintable blocks, on some devices they are invisible, we are working on this issue)...